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Find out what it’s like to study Global Studies at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

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Associate Professor Maria Bargh

Senior Lecturer, Te Kawa a Māui | School of Māori Studies

Knowing the histories of your own land can help you to better understand cultures, histories, and political dynamics of other lands.

One way that our Bachelor of Global Studies builds students’ global mindset starts right here on this motu (island). The Māori course component of the degree gives our students a grounding in te ao Māori.

Students can then feel confident in knowing where they are from and have a clear sense of the cultures and histories of Aotearoa. This gives them a unique lens on global issues—particularly how they can impact on, and be solved in, Aotearoa.

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Ella Lamont

Bachelor of Global Studies and Bachelor of Arts student. Minor in Area and Cultural Studies, and Cultures and Identities

The breadth and depth of the Global Studies degree has enabled me to really nurture my interest in how we organise and operate our societies, and how we can improve them.

An interconnected journey

“I really enjoy how all subjects in the Bachelor of Global Studies are interconnected, and I have loved the journey of trying to understand and locate the intersections of subjects and global issues. Between Anthropology, Geography, Media Studies, Religious Studies, Statistics, and more, I feel that my studies have helped me cultivate a much fuller perspective, while also challenging my own beliefs and assumptions.”

Local and global leaders

“The core Global Studies courses had different and diverse speakers each week—from political leaders like former PM Helen Clark, or former Greens co-leader James Shaw, to legal scholars like Joanna Mossop, or even former World Bank Human Resources VP, Annette Dixon. To listen and question such influential local and global leaders has been so valuable, and I count myself lucky to be able to even have had such a rare opportunity.”

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