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Explore the rich and diverse cultures of the Pacific. Expand your knowledge of its languages, customs, and history, and contribute to the awareness and understanding of the Pacific region and its peoples.

Study the history, culture, politics, and economics of the Pacific as a whole. And learn from a choice of three Pacific languages—or focus specifically on Sāmoan language and culture.

Globally ranked

This programme is ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide in the QS World University Rankings 2024.

The QS World University Rankings is an annual global publication that gives overall rankings and subject rankings for more than 1,500 universities worldwide.

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The personal in Pacific Studies

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Over 500,000

The projected Pacific population between 2026 and 2031 (Stats NZ).

The Pacific is one of the most-studied places in the world. Discover a wealth of knowledge on subjects that range from popular culture and globalisation to identity and migration.

Learn how to find, analyse, and share information and challenge yourself and others by asking the hard questions. Get the skills and knowledge you need to bring about change—in attitudes and development—both inside and out of your community.

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I never imagined that I would have come this far in academia, but with the support, belief and encouragement given through Va’aomanū Pasifika I have not only grown as an individual, but have also learnt to embrace and appreciate my Pacific heritage.

Emily Fatu

BA(Hons) in Pacific Studies graduate

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Learn from the best

You'll learn from dedicated, award-winning lecturers. The Pacific Studies teaching style is geared for your success. You’ll be supported in many ways, making your learning experience enjoyable and easing you into academic life.

Join the Va'aomanū Pasifika community

Va'aomanū Pasifika is the thriving hub of research, teaching, and learning about the Pacific at the University. Come visit us at Level 3 of the Old Kirk building or join our online community in the Va'aomanū Pasifika Facebook group.

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I liken Pacific Studies to a craftsman carving the traditional pate kilikiti (Sāmoan cricket bat). The kilikiti is carved skillfully through the implementation of indigenous 'know-how'. The weight, interwoven sinnet fibres and triangular dimensions portray balance and unity.

Dr Le‘ausālilō Sadat Muaiava

Graduate, PhD in Pacific Studies, Lecturer in Sāmoan Studies

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Real-world connections

Get a real-world perspective on the issues through connections with government departments like the Ministry for Pacific Peoples, and international, national, and local NGOs (non-governmental organisations). You’ll add richness to your learning experience with festivals, performances, and meetings with Pacific community members—both formal and informal.

Akamai XIV, Laine Kasiano, Ana Maake and friends perform, 2014.

Akamai XIV, Laine Kasiano, Ana Maake and friends perform.

Akamai XIV, Emalani Case and PASI 101 hula students perform.

Akamai X, True Colours performance.

Pacific Studies staff with BA, BA Honours and MA graduates, Michael Fowler Centre.

Celebrations of 30 years of the Samoan programme at the University.

Mafutaga ceremony participants.

Members of the university Pasifika community.

Samoan language week celebrations in the library.

Samoan language week performances.

Students performing traditional Samoan dance.

After you graduate

You might find work in the public sector working for a Ministry or an NGO. You could become a teacher or go into social work. Or use your translation and interpreting skills in trade and research consultancy work, or in resource development in the Pacific islands.

Wellington is a compact and diverse capital city. It’s culturally rich, it has a stunning natural environment, and you can walk almost everywhere. And as the country’s political, scientific, and cultural heart, it’s a great place to be a student of all things Pasifika.

Support for students

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington is a welcoming place with great student support. There are all sorts of resources available to help you get the best out of your time at university.


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