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Now you've chosen a degree you need to do a bit of planning. Find out what courses you need to take to complete a Bachelor of Science (BSc).

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Degree requirements

For this degree you'll need to:

  • Complete at least 360 points, of which:

    • At least 210 points must be from 200- and 300-level courses, including:

      • at least 120 points from courses listed for the BSc
      • at least 75 points from courses numbered 300–399
  • Satisfy the requirements for at least one major subject (see below)

Important information

  • You can select up to two majors and/or minors from undergraduate subject areas for the BSc, BA, BPsyc, and BCom degrees.
  • A minor is made up of at least 60 points at 200 level or above from courses listed in the major requirements for that subject area. At least 15 of these points must be at 300 level, and not counted towards a major or another minor.
  • Most majors will have an emphasis on effective communication to ensure you have good skills in this area.
  • There are a number of subjects in the BSc with specific minor requirements. Contact our future student advisers to learn more about studying these subjects. If you’re already a student here, contact a student adviser.
  • Make sure you check what the prerequisites are for all 200- and 300-level courses you are planning to do in your degree. Ensure your choices will cover those requirements.
  • 300-level courses may only be counted towards one major or minor.
  • For more programme details and requirements, see the University Calendar. It's an annual publication and an authoritative source for planning your degree.

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Biology introduces you to the wonder of life, in all its forms and at all levels—from the smallest molecules to ecosystems that supports a vast array of life.

In your first year you’ll get an introduction to cell, plant, and animal biology. During your second and third years, you’ll be able to choose courses that span the spectrum of biological disciplines—from flora and fauna, to genetics and biochemistry.

You can also choose to combine elements of other majors for a broader and more flexible degree.

Find out more about studying Biology at Victoria University of Wellington

Biological Sciences

Major requirements

In addition to the degree requirements, for this major you'll need to complete:

  • Four courses at 100 level:

  • Three courses from:

  • Courses worth 60 points from:

Important information

  • There are no postgraduate programmes in Biology, but an undergraduate Biology degree can prepare you for further postgraduate study in a specialised field. If you think you might be interested in continuing to a postgraduate qualification, make sure you check the prerequisite courses for your postgraduate programme of interest and include these in your undergraduate Biology degree.