Course learning objectives
Students who pass this course will be able to:
Have a comprehensive understanding of the critical place of ethics and good ethical practice in clinical research
recognise the issues associated with ethical problems and find solutions to ethical problems in clinical research
Have an in-depth understanding of issues around research in the context of disadvantaged or ‘vulnerable’ populations such as Māori, Pacific peoples, people with mental health conditions and people with physical and intellectual impairments, and children
describe the need and demonstrate how to undertake specific community based research inclusively
address issues related to the Treaty of Waitangi for a specific research project whether or not Māori are a focus of that research
explain the requirements of the Ministry of Health’s ethics application process
Available offerings
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Offering CRN 18712
This course outline is final and archived.
2 March 2020 - 28 June 2020
Trimester 1
Inter-institutional (NZ)

Sandra Taylor
- 04 4635747
- 206 Te Toki a Rata Building, Kelburn Parade,
External teaching staff
Dr Hilary Stace
04 472 1575 or 021 138 0731
Teaching plan
- 2 March 2020
- Course begins
- 2 March 2020 to 7 June 2020
- Teaching
- 13 April 2020 to 27 April 2020
- Break
- 8 June 2020 to 11 June 2020
- Study period
- 12 June 2020 to 27 June 2020
- Exam period
- 28 June 2020
- Course ends
Teaching format
There are four parts of this course. The early seminar will introduce the topics which will be developed further in telephone conferences. During the course we will post relevant material onto Blackboard, the online system which supports learning and teaching at VUW.
- Release of course material: We will regularly release course material for you to look at. This may include links to recommended additional material. You should review this material and be ready to discuss it by the teleconference date.
- Online interaction: You should make use of the Blackboard site to discuss readings with your fellow students. There is a wide range of clinical experience in this programme, so asking questions or initiating online discussions is a good way of drawing on others’ experience, or contributing your own understandings, to better your understanding of course materials.
- Teleconferences: Teleconferences are compulsory. These are 90 minutes long, and various experts from around New Zealand will contribute. Typically the first part will be taught, followed by will be discussion and questions. Teleconferences don’t cost you anything and instructions for how to connect, see the section on Teleconferences below.
The course will cover the following topics during the trimester:
Why ethics
Introduction to clinical ethics history and principles
The New Zealand ethics application process
Māori consultation
Bi-cultural ethical considerations, Te Ara Tika
Ethical issues
Informed consent, security, privacy, conflicts of interest, serious adverse events, research methodological challenges etc
Special populations
Including people with intellectual and other impairments and mental health issues, children and elderly people, prisoners, ethnic minorities, other vulnerable groups
As a 15 point course it is expected that students undertake 150 hours of work over the course of the trimester.
Additional classes
This course is taught mostly online, but there is an important face-to face component, which is compulsory:
Weekend Seminar Wellington: Sunday 1 March 2020 (please see Blackboard for details under "Weekend Seminar" heading).
Monthly teleconferences
Teleconferences are compulsory and contribute to assessment. If for some reason you are unable to attend, you will need to let the course tutors know. Sessions will be audiotaped but listening later is not as useful for you as being able to join in the discussion. The dates and times for CLNR 402 will be confirmed closer to course commencement.
For dates, times and topics of teleconferences please see Blackboard under "Teleconferences" heading.
See separate PDF for suggested reading
There are no required texts for this offering.
Required materials and equipment
How to connect to the teleconferences
Teleconference classes begin at 5.30pm promptly. By 5.30 you should be connected and ready to participate. You are able to connect up to five minutes early, and you should do this so that the class can begin without multiple announcements of people joining the conference.
Please ensure you're in a quiet place when you connect. Background noise can disrupt classes. If you can't avoid background noise, identify yourself early to the moderator so that you can be placed on mute until you wish to make a comment or ask a question.
To join the teleconference:
1. Dial 0800 084 460
2. Enter the PIN: 946 075 and press the # (hash) key
Teleconferences don't cost you anything, but only students enrolled in this diploma may attend.
Use the 'Class Discussions' forum on the Discussion Board to communicate with fellow students about the course materials. There is a lot of experience and knowledge represented in the group, so make use of this and contribute your own knowledge by making good use of the Discussion Board.
If you have questions that haven't been addressed through the 'Class Discussion' forum, you can ask your question before the teleconference by posting it on the 'Questions for Tutors' forum on the Discussion Board. Tutors will read over this forum before the teleconference.
Course material and references will be uploaded onto the Blackboard site with regular updates. For this reason, it’s important that you have access to a computer with internet connection. There is no recommended textbook for this course but students will be given readings and websites to visit and expected to contribute to discussion in teleconferences
Assessment will be as follows:
Attendance at seminar
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
Mark: 10%
Attendance and participation in teleconference
Legal issues in ethics (including genetic research) 22 March
Māori consultation 12 April
Special populations (eg disabled people, children) 10 May
Vulnerability; clarification and revision 7 JuneCLO:
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
Mark: 10%
Attend and report on MoH ethics committee
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
Mark: 20%
Māori consultation essay “In not more than 1,000 words, outline the case you would make to a group of clinical researchers justifying the importance of consulting with Maori.”
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
Mark: 30%
Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form for a potential study which may still be theoretical at this stage.
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 5,
- 6,
Mark: 30%
Mandatory requirements
In addition to achieving an overall pass mark of at least 50%, students must:
- Attend the weekend seminar
- Attend at least two of the teleconferences
- Complete all written assessment
If you believe that exceptional circumstances may prevent you from meeting the mandatory course requirements, contact the Course Coordinator for advice as soon as possible.
Marking criteria
Assessment for this course has been designed to help you develop practical skills. All work to be handed in should be emailed to
Students in this course will be evaluated on the basis of:
- Attendance and participation at seminar (10% of final evaluation)
- Participation in telephone conferences (10% of final evaluation)
- Visit to one of the Ministry of Health’s regional ethics committees (10%) and posting a short report about your visit on Blackboard (10%) (20% of final evaluation)
- Māori consultation exercise (30% of final evaluation)
- Draft of an ethics application including information sheet and consent form for theoretical or real research project (30% of final evaluation)
Work submission
All work to be handed in should be emailed to
Communication and additional information
We use Blackboard for course materials, communication of marks, online discussions, and announcements. You should ensure that you check Blackboard regularly for such information. Important messages will also be circulated by email.
Student feedback
Information on student feedback can be found on
You can view Student course feedback collected for the University courses from the last completed trimester for which feedback was collected
Class representative
The class representative provides a useful way to communicate feedback to the teaching staff during the course. They also work with the VUWSA Education Office on any academic issues that arise in their course. Reps are elected by students by the third week of classes every trimester. Being a rep requires a weekly commitment.
The Use of Te Reo Māori for Assessment Policy
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington values te reo Māori. Students who wish to submit any of their assessments in te reo Māori must refer to The Use of Te Reo Māori for Assessment Policy - PDF 134kb
He mea nui te reo Māori ki Te Herenga Waka. Ki te pīrangi koe ki te tuhituhi i ō aro matawai i roto i te reo Māori, tēnā me mātua whakapā atu ki te kaupapa here, The Use of Te Reo Māori for Assessment Policy - PDF 134kb
Course additions and withdrawals
If you want to add or drop a course you need to make sure you follow the correct process.
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