Digital Technologies and Historical Thinking
Learn about our TLRI-funded project that asks questions about the relationship between digital technologies and historical thinking in New Zealand universities.
Moving beyond the Threshold: Investigating Digital Literacies and Historical Thinking in New Zealand Universities
Funded by the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative, this project (2014-2017) investigates how university students and teachers use digital media to support the acquisition and retention of disciplinary threshold concepts for transformative learning and improved student outcomes in history-informed subjects. An NZ-wide environmental survey, a MOOC-enabled workshop series, and the development, implementation and evaluation of digitally-mediated coursework provides research evidence to enhance teaching practice and benefit future-oriented student learning. Innovative features include the creation of a digital history portal for communication, project management, and dissemination plus the use of self-reflective e-portfolios. Mentoring junior teacher-researchers who are at the forefront of digital adoption and e-pedagogy is a priority.
Read about our research in the peer-reviewed international journal Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PESTLHE).