Wai-te-ata Press is a space for exploring books and print in all their myriad forms.

In the new knowledge economy, "book" might be a four-letter word. But books are also endlessly fascinating and seductive material objects. They provide an insightful window on the world, whether you create, consume, or preserve them.

Kimihia te Matangaro

Our project empowers Māori communities to reconnect uri with their whenua and whakapapa through automated linking of publicly accessible data. This video offers an overview of our web-based tools, our unique inference approach, and compelling stories that demonstrate the value of reconnection. Map your journey home.

Explore our project and tools Email us: Kimihia te Matangaro

An amazing endowment

Applications are now open for the inaugural Dan and Una Chan & Laywood and Joyce Chan Residency at Wai-te-ata Press. This residency focuses on projects that enhance understandings of and engagement with Chinese Aotearoa.

Find out more and apply now
Keith Chan shakes hands with Dr. Sydney Shep at the gift signing ceremony

Ruth and Oswald L Kraus Innovator-in-Residence

Congratulations to NZSM student, Cadence Chung, our inaugural Innovator-in-Residence. Her exciting anthology combining music, poetry and art by emerging NZ creatives was launched 12 March 2024. Buy the book now!

About the book and scholarship

The Voice of Kaishu: A typographic journey

This exhibition is accompanied by public events, including a documentary screening and self-guided art trail for lovers of language and typography.

Find out more

The Single Object

This video series tells powerful stories about objects that have shaped New Zealand culture. Find out about NZ’s only collection of Chinese types, read artist Kerry Ann Lee's essay, view our new multi-lingual captions.

Watch now (07:39)
titlecard for The Single Object episode featuring the Chinese heritage types
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