The Colour of Water

Paul Thompson, Glenna Matcham, and Sydney Shep collaborate on Wai-te-ata Press's newest publication.

The Colour of Water (or, a Circumnavigation in Three Watches) started life at sea during an around-the-world cruise. The tedium of hours of watching the horizon contrasted with the excitement of arriving in new and exotic places provided much opportunity for thought. A long poem by Paul Thompson developed.

The Colour of Water

Inspired by the sight of breakers from an elevated perspective, the book morphed into an evocation of the sweep of the sea in an innovative carousel book form designed by Sydney Shep (Wai-te-ata Press) and bound by Glenna Matcham (Jumbletree). The poem is set in ARTEMIS JY, a New Zealand humanist font by Wellington designer Mark Geard. By addressing composition, concept and craft equally, The Colour of Water sets new standards for the presentation of poetry and the development of the book in Aotearoa New Zealand. The boat has been pushed out.

The Colour of Water is available in fifty copies only, NZ$80 incl GST.

Available from: Wai-te-ata Press

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Paul Thompson
