Academic integrity

Having a good understanding of academic integrity is vital to your success at university.

Understanding academic integrity means that you can build on the ideas, research and inspiration of others while developing and expressing your own ideas. As members of the academic community, we are all responsible for upholding academic integrity at the University.

Academic integrity involves showing respect to other people's ideas, words, images, code and more by ensuring you acknowledge who and what has influenced your thinking or the work you have produced.

This means always doing your own work unless you are instructed that a piece of work is collaborative or group work, and recognising when other people or organisations have influenced your thinking or the work you have produced through citation and referencing.

Maintaining academic integrity protects your reputation and the University’s reputation, as well as the value of your qualification. As part of the academic community, we all have a responsibility for ensuring that academic integrity is valued and maintained at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

This icon depicts an apple sitting on top of a three books.

Academic Integrity Awareness Week 2025

Our fourth Academic Integrity Awareness Week will take place from 17–21 March 2025. Enjoy free cake and learn more about academic integrity, what it is, why it matters, and where you can get support.

Learn more

Help with academic integrity

If you are feeling stressed by your studies or unsure what to do, reach out to our student services for help, advice, or a confidential discussion. There are lots of resources and support available to you.

Learn the skills you need to improve your work and gain confidence in your writing.

For help with academic reading, writing, referencing, or other skills, contact Te Taiako—Student Learning or attend one of the many workshops they have available.

For the high-level principles relating to academic integrity and academic misconduct for students at the University, read our Academic Integrity Policy for Students.

Writing courses

If you need to improve your writing ability, you can take one of our writing courses: