Chair in Business in Asia - Recent Events

Stay informed on upcoming events from the Chair in Business in Asia.

45th Anniversary Symposium - New Zealand's Relationship with China: Past, Present and Future

In the 45 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations on 22 December 1972, New Zealand’s ties with China have gone from being a link to a largely unknown country, to one of a New Zealand’s most important relationships. Xi Jinping called it a “comprehensive strategic partnership.” Premier Li Keqiang said the relationship is “the best it has ever been”. But questions are being asked about how far New Zealand can expect China to be the anchor for our continued prosperity. Does the next generation of New Zealanders see tensions and questions that will need to be considered and debated?

To mark this anniversary, a group of New Zealand-China related organisations will hold a symposium to reflect on the history and development of the relationship, examine its impact on New Zealand, and look at how it might evolve in the future. There will be a particular focus on the next generation of participants who will increasingly define this relationship, its politics and economics, and the growing importance of China capability and people-to-people connections to it.

Date: 5 December, 2017
Time: 9:00am - 12:30pm
Venue: Hunter Council Chamber, Level 2, Hunter Building, Gate 2, Kelburn Campus, Victoria University of Wellington

Trump, Kim and the nuclear codes; geopolitics in North Asia and the outlook for business

(Password: CAPE17)

This event will bring together academic and business expertise to discuss the geopolitical and business outlook for North Asia. Particular focus will be paid to the emerging DPRK nuclear threat, potential confrontations in the South and East China seas, and the risk and uncertainty of the U.S. strategy towards the region under President Trump.

Hamilton: 21 November - 11:30am-1:30pm
Auckland: 21 November - 5:00-7:00pm
Dunedin: 22 November - 12:30-2:30pm
Wellington: 23 November - 5:00-7:00pm