Dr Brenda Chawner appointed UBC visiting professor

Congratulations to Dr Brenda Chawner, who will be based at the University of British Columbia iSchool as the Dodson Visiting Professor from September 2018.

A profile image of Dr Brenda Chawner.
Dr Brenda Chawner

The University of British Columbia iSchool in Vancouver has an international reputation, with strengths in archival science and library and information studies.

Dr Brenda Chawner will be based at the Faculty until December 2018, is looking forward to spending an extended period of time developing research connections with staff and students of the iSchool, and also undertaking research into information policy issues that occur in New Zealand and Canada.

The Dodson Visiting Professorship is an opportunity to work with well-known senior scholars at the iSchool as well as an outstanding group of junior faculty members active in areas such as archival science, human computer interaction, values and technology, Indigenous information initiatives, social media analytics and mining, and knowledge organisation.

Dr Chawner will also continue to work on her existing research project examining the professional development needs of mid-career professionals.


