Tautoko i ngā rangahau

Support our research

There are exciting opportunities for those who join with our academics, teams, students and institutes to support our vibrant research culture.

In supporting Victoria University of Wellington, you have the opportunity to align yourself or organisation with a globally minded university working to address the questions, challenges and opportunities that face New Zealand and the world. There are a variety of ways that your support can make a difference in your chosen area of research interest.

Support a specific research field

Through financial support of one of our research institutes, centres or programmes, you can have a significant impact.

We are excited to collaborate with individuals and organisations in our development of innovations and solutions to social, environmental, commercial or scientific issues.

Explore the institutes and centres at Victoria University of Wellington where you can become involved.

Research student support

Individuals, organisations and trusts and foundations can provide support for individual students by creating or contributing to scholarships.

Increased resourcing

Your support can enable us to establish new academic positions, either in emerging fields or areas of particular focus. This can range from general research areas such as health, to something more specific like Māori language acquisition. Support takes various forms, including funding academic chairs and fellowships and provision for fixed-term visiting lectureships.

Other types of support

Contributions and support can take the form of donations in kind. This could mean, for example, donating books, instruments, artworks, periodicals, databases or exhibitions to our library, music and art collections.

Talk to us

Contact the Development Office for advice on any of the opportunities above, or to explore your own ideas and  discuss the ways that you or your organisation can benefit from supporting the University's research activity.

Recognising your support

Acknowledging our donors and sponsors is an important part of our work. We work with you to design tailored packages of benefits that suit your organisation and ensure maximum impact. Research support and contributions can be recognised through:

  • naming rights to an academic position or scholarship
  • showcasing your organisation on printed collateral, in the media, on our website and on social media platforms
  • being introduced to our top student scholarship winners for graduate recruitment
  • being involved in selecting academic appointees or scholarship winners
  • undertaking joint research projects
  • accessing consultancy time with top academics
  • having a seat on an advisory board.

We want you to feel engaged with the research you’re supporting and we’ll work with you to find the most appropriate ways to involve you in the life of the University. We can report to you regularly and ensure you remain closely involved if you wish.

You’ll be invited to meet our staff and students so you can see first-hand how you are making a difference. You'll also receive invitations to a range of University functions and events.

Donors are also acknowledged in articles in the University's alumni magazine, Victorious.

Individuals who give over $10,000 and organisations that donate $50,000 or more are welcomed into the Victoria Benefactors’ Circle.