Tukuna mai

Support the project

Help us create a new icon for Wellington—a hub that empowers us to work, teach, learn and live sustainably.

The Living Pā is a transformational project that will provide a place for people to come together and confront the big questions we are facing as a society and globally. It will be one of the world’s most environmentally responsible buildings, and it will also prove what is possible when we act on our values and tikanga.

Walking the talk—thinking long term and sustainably

Working to the guidelines of the Living Building Challenge, the Living Pā will meet the most rigorous sustainability standards in the world. It will be carbon positive, self-sustaining in water and energy, and it will provide people with natural light, fresh air and a healthy environment. Connected to the wharenui, Te Tumu Herenga Waka, it is also a Māori building. The redeveloped Te Herenga Waka Marae will help us to realise our values, tikanga and responsibilities as tangata whenua—people of the land.


Get in touch

We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how you can join us to realise the project’s vision.

Brad profile picture

Brad Weekly

Development Manager- Engineering & Architecture and Design · Bringing resources for student and academic programme support and capital projects.
Development and Alumni Relations Office · Development and Alumni Relations

Rhonda profile picture

Rhonda Thomson

Pou Hapai - Senior Adviser · Co-project manager, Living Pā
PVC Māori/Iwi Studies