Law Open Textbook awarded CAUL grant

Professor Yvette Tinsley from the Faculty of Law and the Centre for Justice and Innovation is heading a research project to address the barriers to justice, well-being, and harm reduction.  Law, criminology and psychology students will be provided with a unique evidence-based study resource based on the research findings, learning about the law in theory and practice, the operation of penal policy on custodial remand, and the direct impacts of the law on individuals, whānau and communities. In the context of increasing tikanga Māori content in New Zealand law degrees, the textbook will provide indigenous content to scaffold a tikanga approach to criminal justice reform.

The OER textbook is expected to be published in late 2025. The CAUL OER initiative is supported by Te Pātaka Kōrero- The Library and it provides open publishing opportunities for academic and professional staff.  For more information see our OER support guide.