Your offer

Check your Offer of Place and find out what to do if you have conditions to meet.

If you’ve received an Offer of Place letter, it means you’ve been accepted to study at Victoria University of Wellington. Congratulations!

You now need to plan your study and choose your courses. You can check your offer in Pūaha - our student portal. If you haven't already done so you will need to create an account.

If your offer has conditions

If you have a conditional Offer of Place, you will need to meet the conditions of your offer and be issued an unconditional Offer of Place before you can apply for your student visa.

Once you have an offer

It is very important that you:

  • check your Offer of Place—make sure it’s for the programme of study and major you applied for.
  • meet any conditions if you have a conditional Offer of Place—for example, providing an IELTS test result.

If you don’t think you’ll be able to meet the conditions of your offer before you arrive in New Zealand, contact us.

Deferring your offer

If you want to start your studies later and change your start date, you can defer your offer to another year—select ‘defer’ in the online tool and choose the date that you’d like to come

Declining your offer

If you decide not to study at the University, you can decline your Offer of Place on Pūaha by following the instructions in your offer email.