Aotearoa—New Zealand Antiviral Research Network (ANZARN)

A virtual multidisciplinary network bringing together chemistry, virology, cellular biology and structural biology to develop broad-spectrum antiviral agents.

ANZARN is a collaboration between New Zealand Universities, Research Institutes and Companies with competitive funding from the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery and programme-level funding ($13.5m) from the NZ Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment.

There are extensive linkages and collaborations to national and international research and expertise including the New Zealand RNA Research Platform, National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (USA), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, University of California San Diego, and the University of Melbourne.

Our aim is to build further linkages both within and beyond Aotearoa New Zealand in the research and commercialisation of antiviral agents that are applicable to multiple viral diseases by focusing on common viral functions relevant to a range of viruses.

Network worldmap
Aotearoa—New Zealand Antiviral Research Network world-map


Harris Dr. Lawrence Harris
Antiviral Nucleosides and
Synthetic Chemistry—Ferrier Research Institute,
Victoria University of Wellington
Netzler Dr. Natalie Netzler
Virology and antiviral assays—University of Auckland
Ward Prof. Vernon Ward
Molecular Virology,
Host-pathogen interactions, and
antiviral assays—University of Otago
Brimble Prof. Margaret Brimble
Protease Inhibitors and
Medicinal Chemistry—University of Auckland
Evans Prof. Gary Evans
Medicinal Chemistry—Ferrier Research Institute,
Victoria University of Wellington
Furneaux Prof. Richard Furneaux
Commercialisation Strategy
and IP protection—Ferrier Research Institute,
Victoria University of Wellington
Krause Prof. Kurt Krause
Structural Biology and
Clinical Translation—University of Otago
Tyler Prof. Peter Tyler
Synthetic Chemistry—Ferrier Research Institute,
Victoria University of Wellington
Hewitt Dr. Joanne Hewitt
Virology—Environmental Science
and Research (ESR)
Kingston Dr. Richard Kingston
RdRp Biochemistry—University of Auckland
Tony Davidson Dr. Tony Davidson

Collaborations & connections

Funding partners

Endeavour Programme Funding
Maurice Wilkins Centre
Protein Structure Funding