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Find out what it’s like to study at Victoria University of Wellington from a student who is interested in the Bachelor of Health.

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Tahu-Potiki Te Maro-Doran

Bachelor of Health in Health Psychology

Living and studying in the capital has strengthened me by keeping me on my toes and helping me recognise what is really needed in the health sector.

Improving health for Māori

Tahu-Potiki Te Maro-Doran is studying for a Bachelor of Health in Health Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington.

He is inspired by a passion to make a difference to the health of Māori, and in mental health specifically, by approaching this with aroha (love). The Bachelor of Health is helping him to learn the skills that will help him reach these goals.

New perspectives

“I’ve enjoyed learning, in Health Psychology, how brains operate. This has helped me reflect on how I view the world and how my view differs from others around me. I’ve learnt that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to mental health,” he says.

“Some of the lectures have been culturally specific and look at ways to assist people in overcoming barriers.”

Challenge and reward

Living in Wellington both challenges and develops Tahu.

“I think a big part of the university experience is pushing through the hard times. You build a community around you that wants to see you strive and succeed. Living and studying in the capital has strengthened me by keeping me on my toes and helping me recognise what is really needed in the health sector.”

Make a difference

For Tahu, the Bachelor of Health is a good fit for people who care about the health and wellbeing of everyone.

“If you love people and want to see them restore their health and wellbeing, then I would recommend studying health.”

Related subject areas

  • Biological Sciences

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  • Psychology

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