Dr Fandy Tjiptono, Postgraduate programme director
- fandy.tjiptono@vuw.ac.nz
- +64 4 463 6476
- RH 1119, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand
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Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing with Honours
I chose marketing because I was fascinated by the motivations behind people’s purchasing choices and the strategic decisions made by marketing professionals to influence these decisions. It led me to develop passions in areas I previously didn’t know existed, such as in social marketing, which is where I directed my dissertation focus.
Studying postgraduate Marketing at Victoria University of Wellington has been incredible. Building on my undergraduate knowledge, I’ve gained the confidence and practical skills needed for the workforce. The connections you make with fellow students and lecturers are also invaluable.
Because Wellington School of Business and Government is located in the business district and political heart of New Zealand, I’ve had the chance to experience field trips and internships with major firms and agencies. This has allowed me to gain some real insight and to further develop the skills and knowledge I’ve learned in my studies.
Account Manager, at Clemenger BBDO
I'm working as an account manager at Clemenger BBDO after joining the agency through the Clemenger Graduate Programme. So far I've had the opportunity to work across a range of clients including NZ Post and WorkSafe NZ, and to be part of exciting new business pitches. I now have the pleasure of working on behaviour change programmes with the teams at the NZ Transport Agency and NZ Police.
The University, in particular my Honours year, has really helped me form critical thinking skills that I use every day. This skill set helps me assess what's important, critique ideas and help evolve the work we do.
The lecturing staff at the University were exceptional. I had great relationships with the Marketing lecturers, in particular in my postgraduate studies. They were generous in giving students their time which I feel really helped my growth.
I moved to Wellington from Nelson to study, and I love the city. Wellington has a great vibe and although it's a big city it doesn't feel too massive. Wellington's culture is so diverse, it's the kind of city that's got something for everyone.
Social and Direct Marketing Executive, at Loyalty New Zealand
Since I finished at university I've been at Loyalty New Zealand working in the brand team doing digital and direct marketing. I'm extremely fortunate to have landed a job in the area I studied at university.
I get to be extremely creative and work on a variety of different projects. Cultivating brand loyalty can be tricky, but I love the challenge.
The University helped me get to where I am by offering subjects that had depth and colour to them. There is a huge range of marketing subjects to suit, and I loved every course I took. Doing Marketing Honours gave me the ability to think critically, which has helped me in my work.
The University has many study and extracurricular activity options to choose from, meaning I could feed my love and curiosity for both business and arts subjects. I was also involved in running the very first TedxVUW event on campus and entrepreneurial events for students with bright ideas.
I had a love for research pretty early on, and the University offers a lot of programmes to nurture that. I was able to complete two summer research scholarships which prepared me for entering my Honours year in Marketing.
The staff and lecturers who guided me through my study are extremely passionate about their subject areas and their energy was amazingly contagious. Their one-on-one care and encouragement helped me grow into the person I am today.
Wellington's my home town and I love it because it's not too big or too small. It's got enough going on to help you stretch yourself, meet new people and live a balanced lifestyle. The saying you can't beat Wellington on a good day is very true. There is always a festival or event, either run by the University or the wider Wellington community, beautiful landscapes to check out and new cafés and food to try. It's great.
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