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The people you work with and learn from are an important part of your studies. Find out who the teaching staff are and hear what the subject is like at postgraduate level.


Dr Markus Luczak-Roesch's photo

Dr Markus Luczak-Roesch, Honours and MCom Programme Director

Professor Anne Goulding's photo

Professor Anne Goulding, PhD Programme Director

Academic staff

  • Pedro AntunesPedro Antunes—Business process management, process design, complex systems, decision support
  • Jean-Gregoire BernardJean-Gregoire Bernard—IT strategy and governance, digital innovation and entrepreneurship, digital platforms and business models
  • David JohnstoneDavid Johnstone—IT governance, IT-related ethics, IT-related change
  • Janet TolandJanet Toland—Enterprise architecture, information systems management, sustainable information systems, research methods
  • Markus Luczak-RoeschMarkus Luczak-Roesch—Data management, data analysis, information science, social computing
  • Brenda ChawnerBrenda Chawner—Metadata, research methods, digital business
  • Anne GouldingAnne Goulding—Information management, IT-related organisational change, IT and the workplace
  • Yi-Te ChiuYi-Te Chiu—System analysis and design, IS project management, IS team management, IS methodologies
  • Tiong GohTiong Goh—Information system theory, business analytics, data warehouse, data management


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Moses Fruean

Master of Commerce in Information Systems

It’s a field where I’m constantly challenged to think outside the box to explore the interconnections between business and technology.

Crossroads between IT and business

I’ve always been interested in business and technology and am particularly fascinated and captured by the new ways technology continually changes the way businesses operate. So naturally, Information Systems drew me in straight away. It’s a field where I’m constantly challenged to think outside the box to explore the interconnections between business and technology.

Tutoring opportunities

Tutoring has definitely been the most influential opportunity at university. Tutoring has not only allowed me to help other students succeed at university but it has also given me the opportunity to develop my confidence, communication skills and more importantly, further develop my knowledge in information systems.

Love Wellington

Wellington is a great place to live and study. Personally, I think no matter which area of Wellington you choose to live while you study, you are always surrounded by vibrant people and great things to do.

In the future, I plan to get myself involved in the IT or IS field in New Zealand or overseas and perhaps do some travelling. I’m looking forward to getting out there, exploring and kick-starting my career.

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Pouaka Parore

Bachelor of Commerce with Honours student in Information Systems

All this great experience has helped me land a graduate position at Ernst & Young, which is a career dream come true.

For me, the University has been a home away from home. From the family-style environment that my Honours class has established, to the open and supportive staff. My experiences so far solidify the idea that I definitely made the right decision to study here.

Research and other opportunities

I am currently in my 4th year doing an Honours degree in Information Systems. The research topic I selected, the digital divide, was an extension of the work I had done over the 2015–16 summer break as part of the Victoria University Research Scholarship that I was lucky enough to receive.

This year I had the opportunity to conduct research for a government entity that allowed me to apply the various skills that I have learnt. And right now I have a job as a research assistant on a project that is looking at how primary school children are using technology. I have also had the opportunity to have an active role as a Tuakana through the Māori and Pasifika support network ‘Te Pūtahi Atawhai’.

Dream career

All this great experience has helped me land a graduate position at Ernst & Young, which is a career dream come true.

I admit my Honours year has not always been easy. However, I have found that the support of my partner and family, great friends in my Honours class, and the support I have received from the teaching staff at university has helped me immensely.

Yi-Te Chiu

Lecturer in Information Systems

The nature of IS is learning to appreciate the beauty of chaos in this discipline where technology and people intersect.

Technology and people

We create an immersive learning environment where the fusion of left- and right-brain thinking is encouraged. Classes involve not only logic and analytics but also human relations and irrationality.

Transforming businesses with tech

The nature of Information Systems (IS) is learning to appreciate the beauty of chaos in this discipline where technology and people intersect.

Gaining both technology and business knowledge, and the ability to merge the two successfully, allows better decision-making. Applying IS and IT knowledge helps in solving business problems and transforming business operations.

Cutting-edge perspectives

The School of Information Management attracts top scholars and educators from around New Zealand and the world. The staff of diverse backgrounds come from over 10 countries and are educators who share diverse, cutting-edge perspectives and convey a broad awareness of global dynamics.

Creative Wellington

Wellington is a creative city with an ever-growing number of high-tech companies. The Information Systems programme equips graduates with technology and business knowledge to harness the energy of a creative hub and cater for Wellington’s strong demand for IT/business professionals.