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Find out who to contact for more information about the Master of Health Research and how to apply.

Key dates

Key dates

  • Flexible: Apply now and start studying once your application is accepted.

Estimated domestic fees for 2025

About for the full programme

($9,973 course costs + $1,225 student service fees)

Your student service fees are based on the number of points you enrol in and where you study from.

Find out who to contact for more information about the Master of Health Research and how to apply.

How to apply

Submit your academic transcripts and research proposal to the School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice. Your application will be considered by the School Student Research Committee. The final decision on acceptance into the programme will be made by the Faculty of Health.

Apply online.


Faculty of Graduate Research

For all enquiries about the Master of Health Research, contact
