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Find out what courses you need to take to complete a Bachelor of Psychology (BPsyc) and see what courses make up the optional majors.

At the core of the new degree is the compulsory Psychological Science (PSCI) major. This is made up of 12 courses that cover a broad range of key topics in psychology.

Along with your core courses, you have the option of choosing a second, complementary major that explores a specific area in more depth. Your complementary major can come from the BPsyc or from another degree, such as the BA or BSc. Adding a second major is a great way to set yourself up for future employment or postgraduate study.

Degree requirements

For this degree you'll need to:

  • Complete at least 360 points, including:

    • at least 210 points above 100 level

    • at least 240 points from the BPsyc schedule

    • at least 75 points at 300 level

  • Complete the requirements of the compulsory Psychological Science major and (optionally) a second, complementary major. See ‘Select your majors’ below for the course requirements.

Important information

  • A minor is made up of at least 60 points at 200 level or above from courses listed in the major requirements for that subject area. At least 15 of these points must be at 300 level, and not counted towards a major or another minor.
  • There are a number of subjects in the BPsyc with specific minor requirements. Contact our future student advisers to learn more about studying these subjects. If you’re already a student here, contact a student adviser.

Select your majors

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Major you have selected

Health Psychology

Health Psychology is a branch of psychology that helps people stay healthy, cope with illness, and recover from diseases. It also studies how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours affect our physical and mental health, and how our health influences our psychological wellbeing. Health psychologists also work with doctors, nurses, and other health professionals to improve the quality of health care and make it more accessible and affordable for everyone.

If you’re interested in a career in the health sector, this could be the major for you. Potential roles include health promoter, health researcher, wellbeing adviser, counsellor, or youth worker. Or if you are interested in becoming a practicing health psychologist, you could continue to postgraduate study and then register as a psychologist.

Find out more about studying Health Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington


Major requirements

In addition to the degree requirements, for this major you'll need to complete:

  • Four courses at 100 level:

  • Four courses at 200 level:

  • Four courses at 300 level:

    • Two courses from:

Important information

  • If you are taking the Health Psychology (HPSY) major separately from the BPsyc or PSCI major and if you intend to pursue postgraduate psychology or clinical psychology, you should seek advice from the Wellington Faculty of Health to plan your studies.
  • For more programme details and requirements, see the University Calendar. It’s an annual publication and an authoritative source for planning your degree.

Adding a major from another degree

As an alternative to the complementary majors listed above for the Bachelor of Psychology, you have the option of doing a complementary major from one of the other undergraduate degrees at the University. Your Bachelor of Psychology degree could include a second major taken from one of our other degrees:

For more information about your options, email our advisers at