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Now you've chosen a degree you need to do a bit of planning. Find out what courses you need to take to complete a Bachelor of Health (BHlth).

Use Pūaha to view requirements for current students

If you're already studying with Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, use myDegree in the Pūaha self-service portal to find the most up-to-date information about the requirements that you’ve already met, and those you still need to complete.

Find out more about tracking your progress.

Degree requirements

For this degree you'll need to:

Select your majors


Important information

  • Make sure you check what the prerequisites are for all 200- and 300-level courses you are planning to do in your degree. Ensure the courses you choose will cover those requirements.
  • You should also consider using elective slots in your first year for an alternative major’s prerequisites if you are undecided about your major.
  • 300-level courses count towards only one major.
  • For more programme details and requirements, see the University Calendar. It's an annual publication and an authoritative source for planning your degree.