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Entry requirements

Requirements for international students who studied in

Proof of English proficiency

We are currently unable to display the English proficiency requirements for this programme. Please try again later or contact Wellington University International.

Key dates

If you are studying at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington for the first time, or moving from the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to degree study, you must attend International Orientation and Enrolment prior to the start of your programme. Make sure you check the orientation dates for your programme.

Key dates

Estimated international fees for

How to apply as an international student

1. Check you meet the entry requirements

2. Check key dates and apply early

3. Check fees and costs

  • It's free to apply.
  • You’ll only need to pay tuition fees once you have received an offer to study at Victoria University of Wellington (called an Offer of Place) and you have decided you want to study here.

4. Apply online

Go to Pūaha, our student portal, and sign up to complete your application online. Find out more about how to apply.

  • You’ll need a personal email address to start your online application.
  • You’ll need to know what you want to study (your degree or programme) and when you want to start studying (the year and trimester) before you start your application.


If you are an agent or representative, you cannot submit an application through Pūaha. Visit our Agent and Partner Hub for instructions on how to apply on behalf of a student.

5. Prepare your documentation

  • As part of your application, you’ll need to provide:
    • a certified copy of your passport (the personal details page)
    • evidence of your proficiency in English (if required)
    • a certified copy of your official academic results.
  • See our Prepare your documents page to find out more about requirements for your application documents.
  • If you are an international student currently studying at a New Zealand secondary school, you can still apply now. Find out how to confirm your final exam results.

Start your application

6. Wait for confirmation

  • We’ll send you an email to confirm we’ve received your application.
  • We’ll let you know by email if your application is successful. This is usually within a week of receiving your application.
  • If you’re accepted to study at Victoria University of Wellington, we’ll email you an Offer of Place that, once unconditional, will guarantee your entry into your chosen programme. We’ll then tell you what you need to do next.
  • If you don’t receive a confirmation email within two weeks of submitting or sending your application, or if it’s been more than four weeks since you were notified that your application was received, get in touch with us.

Your personal statement and letter of recommendation

Your personal statement should be about 500 words. Give us a brief summary of your work, family and personal commitments and how you intend to balance these with your studies. Explain what family and other support you have available to assist you. Tell us what you consider to be your strengths, and three or more examples of the benefits you expect to gain from this programme.

Your letter of recommendation should come from a person who can comment on your readiness to undertake university study. You can ask a family member, employer, church minister, previous teacher or principal, sports coach, or similar person to write this recommendation.

Use your best judgement when deciding who to ask to be your referee. Choose someone who knows you well enough to be able to give a good recommendation. Ask your referee to tell us their relationship to you and let them know that we will be contacting them about your application.

If you did not submit a personal statement or letter of recommendation with your enrolment application, email these documents to as soon as possible so they can be added to your application.


The school will email you to arrange the interview session. It is usually by phone and will take about 30 minutes.

In the interview we’ll briefly go over the programme requirements, then move straight into a series of questions around your understanding of university study and what you hope to achieve by successfully completing the programme. We are looking for concise and articulate responses in your discussion.

Your application for the programme is conditional upon you completing a phone interview. Only in exceptional circumstances will alternative arrangements be made.

Contact us

As an international student, you should contact Wellington University International with any questions about studying at Victoria University of Wellington. The International team will also process your application.
