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Now you've chosen a degree you need to do a bit of planning. Find out what courses you need to take to complete a Bachelor of Design Innovation (BDI).

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Degree requirements

For this degree you'll need to:

  • Complete at least 360 points, of which:

    • at least 240 points must be from the BDI schedule (see 'Important information' below)

    • at least 195 points must be at 200 or 300 level, including at least 120 points from the BDI schedule

    • at least 75 points must be at 300 level, including at least 60 points from the BDI schedule

  • In Part 1

    • Complete these four courses:

    • Complete at least one course from:

  • In Part 2

    • Complete these two courses:

    • Complete courses satisfying the requirements for at least one major (see ‘Select your majors’ below).

Important information

  • The ‘BDI schedule’ is the official list of courses that are offered for this qualification. See a list of these courses on the School of Design Innovation’s Undergraduate courses page.
  • To be accepted into a major, you need to complete the courses in Part 1 and get the permission of the Associate Dean (Students).
  • With the permission of the Associate Dean (Students), you may be allowed to substitute approved courses for required courses or electives.

Select your majors


Major requirements

  • With the approval of the programme director, you may be able to replace one course in the 200- or 300-level requirements with a relevant course at the same level.
  • If you are pursuing more than one major or minor, DSDN 321, 331, and 351 may be counted towards two of the majors listed below.
  • For more programme details and requirements, see the University Calendar. It's an annual publication and an authoritative source for planning your degree.


In your Bachelor of Design Innovation, you can achieve a minor in up to two undergraduate subject areas by studying elective courses in addition to the required core courses.

You can pursue a minor in any of the subjects that we offer majors in.

The following minors must include 60 points from the corresponding major, including the courses listed: