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Now you’ve chosen a degree, you need to do a bit of planning. Find out what courses you need to take to complete a Bachelor of Arts (BA).

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Degree requirements

For this degree you'll need to:

  • Complete at least 360 points, of which:

    • At least 240 points must be from courses listed for the BA Part A

    • At least 80 points must be from 100-level courses listed for the BA

    • A maximum of 180 points can be at 100 level and

    • At least 180 points must be at 200 and 300 level

      • at least 75 must be from 300-level courses listed for the BA
        • Of the 75 points, up to 15 may come from courses listed for another degree when they are taken to satisfy the requirements of an additional major subject from another degree
  • Satisfy the requirements for at least one major subject

    • 300-level courses may only be counted towards one major (see below)

  • If your major subject is in Part A (the first section of drop down list of majors in the selector below) you may elect to do a second major. In this case:

    • The second major may be chosen from the BA or any other first degree at this university and

    • A maximum of 120 points may be credited to the BA from courses listed for the second major if it is not listed (in the drop down below) when included as a major for a BA

  • If your major subject is in Part B (the second section of drop down list of majors in the selector below e.g. Psychology), then:

    • You may only do a second major if it is selected from Part A and

    • At least 180 points must come from courses listed for the BA (rather than 240 if the major is not listed in Part B)

Important information

  • Each subject has specific courses you need to take to meet the requirements of a major and involves in-depth study to 300 level.
  • You can only count 300-level courses towards one major or minor.
  • You can do a BA double major by completing the major requirements for two subjects. Your degree certificate will say ‘Bachelor of Arts in X and Y’.
  • You may also select up to two minors in undergraduate subject areas offered by the University for these degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Communication, Bachelor of Design Innovation, Bachelor of Health, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Psychology, and Bachelor of Science. These subjects may come from the major or additional minor subject areas listed in these degree statutes. A minor is made up of at least 60 points from the relevant subject area at 200 level or above, of which at least 15 points must be at 300 level and not counted towards a major or another minor.
  • Minor-only subjects in the BA include Creative Writing, Gender and Sexuality Studies, New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), Popular Music Studies, and Social Policy.
  • Make sure you check what the prerequisites are for all 200- and 300-level courses you are planning to do in your degree. Ensure your choices will cover those requirements.
  • For more programme details and requirements, see the University Calendar. It’s an annual publication and an authoritative source for planning your degree.

Select your majors

  • If you select a Part B major, your next selection is limited to Part A majors.
  • If you want to do a double major, you may be able to choose your second major from those offered in our other undergraduate degrees. Find out more about flexibility in your degree.
 × Clear selection

Major you have selected


Get a comprehensive education in spoken and written Japanese. You’ll start to speak the language straight away through classes, fun tutorials and a variety of multimedia learning resources. Learn about Japanese culture and literature in a journey that will take you from the distant past to the near future.

Find out more about studying Japanese at Victoria University of Wellington

Asian Languages and Cultures

Major requirements

In addition to the degree requirements, for this major you'll need to complete:

  • Three courses at 100 level from:

  • Three courses at 200 level:

  • Two courses at 300 level:

Important information