Information for students

Key information including how we work with you, what services and technology we offer, ways to fund your study, and have your voice heard.

There are many sources of support both academic and personal, available to you at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

We work closely with you, staff across the University, the wider University community, and external support agencies to create an inclusive and accessible place where you can get around, participate, and get fully involved in your academic journey, ensuring that while you study here it is your academic ability that is challenged, and not your disability.

Disability Services empowers students

Working with your adviser

Discover the steps that you'll go through with your disability and inclusion adviser, from starting at university through to graduation.

Key services for students

We offer a broad range of quality services which are tailored to your individual needs.

Inclusive learning software

Inclusive learning software is available for students and staff to make learning and engaging more accessible in the digital world through three core programs.

Funding your study

There are many different sources of funding for students with disabilities. Here you'll find an introduction to what is available at the University and beyond.

Your voice

We greatly value student expertise, advice, and feedback.

Privacy and confidentiality

We care about your privacy and want to be open with you about what we do with your personal information.

Disabled Students' Association

The Disabled Students' Association is the representative group for disabled students at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.