Te Amaru—Disability Services is a leading provider of disability advice, expertise, and support. We work in partnership with staff, students, and the disability community to strengthen Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington’s culture of inclusion, to celebrate disability, and to ensure students can fully participate and achieve their aspirations.
Connecting with us
We offer in-person or remote appointments as preferred. All people need to be respiratory symptom-free when visiting our service.
To make an appointment contact us:
by email disability@vuw.ac.nz
or call 04 463 6070.

Key services for students
We offer a broad range of quality services which are tailored to your individual needs.

Inclusive learning software
Software available for students and staff to make learning and engaging in the modern digital world more accessible.

Disability at the University
The number of students with disabilities at the University is steadily growing, and we greatly welcome the increasing diversity of our community.
Register with us
Access our online registration form and find out what supporting documents you'll need to provide.
Register online
Bimonthly newsletter
Every two months Te Amaru—Disability Services puts out a newsletter with news, advice, and support for our community.