Tao Siwen
Home Institution: Southwest University of Nationalities
Visiting Period: 1 May - 31 October 2011
Research Project: Cultural Changes and Mutual Influences among Ethnic Groups in Kang District.
Cultural Changes and Mutual Influences among Ethnic Groups in Kang District
The close mutual interaction between Hang culture and Tibetan culture took shape from the Amalgamation consanguinity relationship and culture, and this kind of interaction became an indispensable part of the unique geographical culture of Kangba area at present. Kangba area has been an important focus for ethnologists and anthropologists’ research, and it has the academic significance to be “re-studied” and it has the importance of “academic history”.
In the meanwhile, this kind of research has important academic value regarding propelling “Kangba Studies”. Because of the influence of elements such as geography, the center of Tibetan culture gradually shifted to the eastern areas; hence making the importance of Kangba area more outstanding in the whole Tibetan Plateau. Kangba area was the frontier and the experimental area for the Central governments to control the whole Tibetan area. And the shifting of Tibetan culture to the eastern area has been faster in recent years.
After China’s reform and opening-up, the culture in this area has experienced quick changes, and from a certain sense, it was the paradigm of the social and cultural changes in Tibetan area.
From this sense, a systematic research on the cultural changes and ethnical interactions in Kangba area can provide important references for enacting operational policies regarding maintaining the stability and development of Tibetan area. Therefore, secretary-general Jiang Zemin once pointed out that “it is inevitable to stabilize Kangba area if the central government is going to stabilize Tibetan area”.
Besides, this research can play a significant role in motivating the self development capabilities of ethnic groups and promoting economic and cultural development in ethnic areas. The research will also focus on providing good cases and historical viewing angles for the social and cultural changes and development tendencies in Kangba area.
The research will involve such theories as “cultural circle”, “cultural zone”, “and cultural idiosyncrasies”. None of the theories available at present can be used to explain the complicated cultural phenomena in the culture of Kangba area, thus the author of this paper will provide case studies for theoretical researches, and based on the reflective analysis of the traditional cultural theories, the author will combine field records with field research and documental research and tempt to construct the theoretical framework for the cultural research in Kangba area.