The New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre—Kōmaru Kura promotes knowledge and understanding of contemporary China in New Zealand through research, collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Based at Victoria University of Wellington, the Centre partners with eight New Zealand universities to support seminars, visitor exchanges, conferences and collaborative research into the political, economic, and social life of China today.
NZCCRC Report: Talking Past Each Other
The New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre's working paper by Caleb Hoyle compares how New Zealand and Chinese news media cover New Zealand-China relations. 'Talking Past Each Other: Coverage of New Zealand-China Relations in New Zealand and Chinese Media.'
China’s Poète Maudit—Memories of Gu Cheng
The New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre's latest publication by John Minford and Duncan Campbell offers two personal reflections on Gu Cheng, one of China’s most famed poets of the twentieth century.
Read the publication hereChina's Third Plenum—Staying the Course with Xi Jinping
The long-awaited Third Plenum held in July was an opportunity for China's Communist Party leaders to map out the economic and other reforms for the years ahead.
Read the report
On the Record
The New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre's working paper by Caleb Hoyle provides an introduction to the Chinese media landscape in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Read the report hereRethinking New Zealand’s China dilemma
2021 New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre Annual Public Lecture by Dr Malcolm McKinnon on New Zealand-China relations.
Read the speech here
The Belt and Road Initiative—A New Zealand appraisal
This report provides recommendations for how New Zealand can appraise China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
View the reportThe 19th Party Congress—A ‘New Era’ for China
This symposium explored the outcomes of the Congress following China’s National People’s Congress meeting in March. It analysed the new leadership, policies, social issues and economic priority in the 'new era'.
Conference programme

The View from Oceania
This conference was hosted in Sāmoa and took a multidisciplinary approach to examining perspectives on China’s evolving relations with Pacific Island nations.
Guest presentations