Free Trade Agreement
Forum on Leadership in Trade Policy and NZ China Free Trade Agreement

The New Zealand Contemporary China and China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP) in Shanghai co hosted, with the support of the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing and China's Ministry of Commerce, a high-level policy Forum on Leadership in Trade Policy and NZ-China Free Trade Agreement.
NZ Minister of Trade Tim Groser and Chinese Deputy Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun delivered policy speeches on the role of the FTA in NZ-China economic relations and in the strategy of international trade and economic relations of their own country to an audience of about 100 senior local government officials.
The ministerial session was followed by a session of academic presentations on policy leadership and NZ-China Free Trade Agreement, by Professor Wang Xinkui, Director, Centre for WTO Studies in Shanghai and Professor Xiaoming Huang, Director, The NZ Contemporary China Research Centre.