Professor WANG Zhengxu
Professor Wang Zhengxu is Distinguished Professor at the Department of Politics at Fudan University. Previously, he served as Acting Director and Senior Research Fellow at the China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham.
Professor Wang received his PhD in political science from University of Michigan in 2005. His current research projects include the democratic values of Chinese citizens, institutional changes and political reforms in China’s political system, and politics of governance in China. He has published widely on socioeconomic modernization, value changes, democratization, governance challenges, and leadership and elite politics in China and East Asia. His publications have appeared in Governance, International Review of Sociology, Political Research Quarterly, Japanese Journal of Political Science, Contemporary Politics, Asian Journal of Public Opinion Research, The China Quarterly, The China Journal, Journal of Contemporary China, and others. He is also a frequent contributor of opinion commentary and analyses of political issues in China in the media.