Who our EDI leaders and service providers are

More information about our EDI group leaders for staff and students and our equity service providers.

“Our student body is far from a homogenous group of students with the same needs and aspirations. The University has an active obligation to ensure all students feel like they belong to our community and that our community values the contributions all its students bring, even if this is challenging at times. An equitable, diverse, and inclusive Te Herenga Waka is one that is courageous and evolves to meet all current and future students where they are, so students can bring their full selves to this community.”

Jessica Ye
President, Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association—Te Aka Tauira

“Until we can demonstrate all our students have equitable access and outcomes, irrespective of their backgrounds, we must keep our focus on EDI. Until our entire university community reflects and welcomes the diversity of modern Aotearoa New Zealand, we must keep our focus on EDI. And until my children’s names can be pronounced correctly by their lecturers, tutors, and the graduation announcer, we must keep our focus on EDI.  I can’t wait until the time when we don’t have to focus on EDI because it’s just business as usual.”

Associate Professor Meegan Hall
Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Mātauranga Māori)

“Our universities, like our Parliament and other institutions, should reflect who we really are. If we are overwhelmingly skewed towards some sections of the population over others, then something is wrong—we’re not inviting everybody in, and there are barriers to coming here. That’s bad for the groups that miss out, and it’s bad for us as an institution as well, because we miss out on the contributions that diverse groups can provide.”

Katy Miller
Manager, Research Partnerships

Steering group

Mark profile picture

Mark Daldorf

Director People & Capability
Human Resources

Ang profile picture

Ang Bingham

Deputy Director, People and Capability
Human Resources

Katy profile picture

Katy Miller

Manager, Research Funding and Strategy · RRI
Research Office

Pelesa profile picture

Pelesa Semu

Senior Adviser to the Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Pasifika
Pasifika Student Success · Office of the Assistant Vice-Chancellor Pasifika

Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Matauranga Maori) · Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Mātauranga Māori)
PVC Māori/Iwi Studies · DVC (Māori) team

Associate Professor · Supply Chain Management and Undergraduate Programme Director
School of Management

Professor of Law
Faculty of Law

Associate Dean (Teaching and Equity) · Senior Lecturer
· Theatre Programme

Kirsty profile picture

Kirsty McClure

Director, Student Experience and Wellbeing
Student Experience and Wellbeing

Deputy Head of School
School of Social and Cultural Studies

Karen profile picture

Karen Davis

Deputy Director, Student Experience and Wellbeing
Student Experience and Wellbeing

Professor of Psychology
School of Psychology

Vice-Provost Research Centre

 profile picture

Neelum Patel

VUWSA Equity Officer Leia Weeds Kawai

Ngai Tauira President Harris Puanaki Devon

Equity, diversity, and inclusion service providers for students