Technical resource centre
The Technical Resource Centre provides a variety of services to students and staff at the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation.

The Technical Resource Centre (VS004) provides technical support services to all faculty staff and students. Services include:
- Reprographic services: specialist printing, colour digital wide format scanning, and colour wide format plotting up to 1.2m x 4m.
- Loan equipment: provision of course specific equipment such as Building Science test equipment as well as a range of general equipment such a digital SLR cameras, lighting and lenses, and audio-visual equipment.
- Supply of arts and craft materials used in general model making, laser cutters, and 3D printing – anything not easily sourced in small quantities from hardware stores and other suppliers.
- Booking workshop equipment
Workshop equipment bookings
The laser cutters and CNC machinery are booked through the Resource Centre. Bookings can be viewed online via the online booking system. 3D digital modelling equipment is provided to students at significantly subsidised rates. It is only available to currently enrolled years 2–5 students and staff.
Online payments
Various arts and craft modelling supplies and some equipment and fabrication services requiring partial cost recovery can be made through our online payment portal.
Technical assistance
If you need help with our technical facilities, get in touch with our technical staff.