3D Modelling workshops (manual machinery)
Find out about the woodwork and metalwork machinery available in our workshops.

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The Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation’s 3D modelling workshop also provides a comprehensive range of manual machinery and equipment to support both physical modelling production and various digital and CNC fabrication process used for teaching and research. The workshop is used by students from all year levels, from first year through to master’s and PhD thesis students.
Most machinery is available as a drop-in service with no bookings necessary. However due to health and safety protocols, hazardous machinery can only be used during working hours when the relevant workshop technical staff are available to supervise.
Specialist technical staff provide workshop inductions to all students wishing to use the workshop resources, and follow up with specific training, supervision and technical advice as required on specific machinery.
All students are required to undertake the workshops inductions, to gain an overview of the workshops operations, capability, and health, safety, and training protocols.
The machinery workshops share a central open space for tutorials and low-risk, low-noise, low-sawdust work. It is available for the full campus hours for year two students and above.
Off this space are the various machinery and digital fabrication workshop spaces, a full OSH compliant paint booth (for any painting/spraying requirements), various extract hoods for gluing/soldering, and a resins/wet room.
The machinery spaces off this main space are all limited access and only available during normal workshop supervised hours.
Our equipment
Woodwork machinery

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The woodwork workshop (VS010) has a comprehensive suite of machinery for all woodworking requirements. From basic architectural models, to prototyping building facets, to furniture design and production. The workshop includes table saws, bandsaws, a wood lathe, sanders/routers, a thickness and planer, and various hand tools.
Metalwork machinery

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The metal machinery workshop (VS008) is a compact but complete machinery workshop. It contains metal milling machines, lathes, Tig/Mig and Oxy-Acetylene welding equipment, sheet metal equipment, and a range of hand tooling equipment.
First year workshop

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The first-year workshop (VS001) is where students are introduced to hand tools, safety, and physical modelling concepts. It is a self-contained workshop solely for the use of first-year students and it has a dedicated technician modelmaker. Equipment includes basic woodwork machinery such as a drill press, a bandsaw, scroll saws, and a range of hand tools.
Technical assistance
If you need help with our technical facilities, get in touch with our technical staff.