Wellington in 2040: Read tomorrow’s headlines today!
According to the Capital Chronicle 2040 the city faces a colourful and contentious future. Read all about the world’s first microorganism assisted cross-harbour Hydrothon, biomineralised buildings blooming in the harbour, the latest on the coolest conceptual spaces of the year or Philip Beesley’s Vesica epidemic. Download your copy of the Capital Chronicle 2040 now!
The Capital Chronicle 2040 featured at the opening of the Hylozoic Series:Vesica at the City Gallery on April 18. VUW School of Design Senior Lecturer Ross Stevens reflected on Philip Beesley’s eloquent keynote presentation and its relevance to the future of Wellington. To make his point Stevens called on scenarios from the School’s Design Led Futures programme, which were developed in collaboration with the Wellington City Council’s Wellington 2040 initiative. The collaboration challenged students to imagine how Wellington would look, sound, smell, feel, and work 30 years hence, and inspired the first edition of the Capital Chronicle. The second edition of the Capital Chronicle 2040 builds on the previous students’ work.
Download the Captial Chronicle (PDF, 4 MB)