“Look at the role of universities within society. We are embedded in an ecosystem, affected by demographics, cultural diversities, international shifts, growth of business and industry, political upheavals, social challenges, financial turmoil, climate change, pandemics … We’re part and parcel of something significantly bigger, within our city, region, country, and the global economy.
“We need to keep innovating to be impactful and effective contributors. Rather than being dragged into the future, our role is to play a part in making a better future.
“It’s all about excellence with relevance and purpose. At Te Herenga Waka, we aspire to be a university that provides the best skills that meet the needs of communities, government, economies, industries, to build a better future for people.”
Looking back on his own experience, Ehsan notes that having a clear destination doesn’t make the experience of getting there any less exciting.
“I went to high school in Tehran but moved to Calcutta in India to go to university. I went to India not only to have a new academic experience but to experience a new country, new culture, new food, new society, new challenges, new languages.
“Learning is a lifelong journey. The university part is not just about studying or memorising; we also learn how to live and how to lead our life, dare to be different, and dare to make a difference.”