VicTeach events 2017
22 March
Welcome event for VicTeach 2017
This session included:
- tips and tricks to improve your relationship with Blackboard
- sharing of what does and doesn't work
- design tips: what we can learn from BB data and the student experience.
29 May
Students as course co-constructors
This VicTeach session focused on strategies for involving students in the construction of a course. Lecturer Greta Snyder and former undergraduates Grace Carroll and Anthony Hall spoke about their experiences in POLS 362 A Topic in Political Philosophy: Feminist Theory. A course in which groups of undergraduate students are responsible for determining how to use two of three contact hours each week.
Then, lecturer Catherine Abou-Nemeh spoke about her efforts to involve postgraduate students in determining the content to be covered in her honours course.
Following the presentations there was a conversation about different strategies for involving students in the construction of a course, and about what strategies are appropriate for courses of different sizes and in different fields.
21 June
Understanding and working with students from refugee backgrounds
This session was timed to connect with World Refugee Day and to celebrate the new Victoria University of Wellington Equity Group status of staff and students from refugee backgrounds. It included sharing insights from recent research with refugee-background students, and generating helpful tips for teaching and supervision with this culturally and linguistically diverse group of learners.
As the number of refugee-background students at the University continues to grow, this session built on Victoria University of Wellington's Primary Strategy 4 and supported anyone wanting to make their teaching more inclusive.
The session was hosted in collaboration with the Victoria University of Wellington Network to Support Refugee-Background Students.
16 August
First year experience data—July 2017
This research project involved surveying students before they started university this year and then after their first trimester so it was “hot off the press”.
What does the first year experience (FYE) data tell us and how can we use it to improve student transition and retention?
This VicTeach session included:
- a brief overview of the the Victoria University of Wellington FYE data from the 2017 FYE research project led by the Wellington Faculty of Education
- group discussions examining how we can use this information in our learning and teaching to improve retention and transition.
22 September
VicTeach conversation
An informal session to meet colleagues with an interest in teaching and learning, hear more about VicTeach and our upcoming events, and chat about your teaching successes and challenges over afternoon tea.
25 September
What is the future of sustainability at Victoria University of Wellington?
Co-hosted by VicTeach and the Sustainability Office.
Have you been thinking you'd like to integrate sustainability into your teaching? This session provided an overview of sustainability in Learning and Teaching at Victoria University of Wellington, case examples of how your colleagues engage with the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their courses, and a workshop to consider how you could apply the Sustainable Development Goal framework to your own teaching.
24–25 October
2017 VicTeach symposium 2017: The future of tertiary learning at the Waihõanga Centre in Ōtaki Forks
Two full days of presentations, discussions, and time and space to meet and discuss your teaching project or research ideas with colleagues.
All costs were covered by VicTeach.
23 November
Critical pedagogies symposium
Funded by VicTeach.