Whakapā mai

Contact us

There are several channels through which you can contact the VicTeach advisory committee or find out about VicTeach activities.

The VicTeach community have three main methods of communication:

The VicTeach mailing list

There is a VicTeach email list that anyone can subscribe to. We use this to send out announcements about useful information, grant availability, and upcoming VicTeach sessions.

To join this list simply send an email to: VicTeach-subscribe@lists.vuw.ac.nz once you are subscribed email notifications will be sent to your inbox.

VicTeach advisory group email

If you have specific questions for the advisory group you can simply email VicTeach@vuw.ac.nz.

VicTeach Teams space

To keep up to date with upcoming events and useful information, to share advice and experience, and be able to share interesting articles and research with VicTeach colleagues, you can join the VicTeach Teams channel.