Whakaako mā te hangarau

Teaching with technology

At Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington teaching fully integrates technology for digital access, enhanced interactivity, and learning creation.

Information is available to aid teachers in what technology they could use in their teaching, how to apply it, and where to get support.

2024 staff support for Nuku

Due to the completion of the Learning Platform Project on 19 December 2023, project roles not continuing into BAU, and Learning Design and Academic Development resources in CAD prioritising financial recovery projects, BAU support for Nuku in 2024 will be scheduled or self-help leading into T1 2024.

Course preparation sessions leading up to Trimester 1, 2024

CAD will offer a series of “Prepare your Nuku course for teaching” and “Prepare your Nuku course assessment”  sessions in the five weeks leading up to T1 2024.

These will be the only face-to-face and online support sessions for course coordinators, teaching teams and support staff before the start of T1.

The sessions are hands-on, delivered in groups, and focused on ensuring courses and assessments are prepared for teaching before courses go live to students on the first day of O’ Week.

It is strongly recommended that course coordinators attend one of these sessions before the trimester begins. View the LibCal schedule for Nuku sessions.

Self-help resources for course coordinators and support staff

Outside of the scheduled course preparation sessions, course coordinators and support staff will have access to the following self-help resources to aid them in preparing their course for teaching before T1 begins:

Teach in Nuku

This course provides guidance and instructions on all aspects of delivering your course on Nuku. To access this course, enrol on the Nuku website. Once you've enrolled, the course can be found on your Nuku dashboard.

Course rollover checklist

Courses are now automatically rolled over months before the trimester begins. The following checklist has been created for course coordinators or administrators to ensure that the course copy has been completed, and there are no issues in the new course. This is a technical administration checklist, not course preparation or quality assurance: view the Course Rollover Checklist.

Course preparation checklist

The course preparation checklist provides course coordinators and support staff with a step-by-step guide to ensuring their course is ready for students to start learning. This checklist should be started before the first day of O' Week, and completed before teaching begins. The checklist is stored within the Teach in Nuku course, and can be viewed on the following page once enrolled in the course: Is your Nuku course ready for students?

Yellow support button

Within Nuku, click on the yellow support button to access online support. Support information changes depending on which page and function you are on in Nuku (e.g. If in quizzes, support information with be focused on creating and managing quizzes). This is the best way of receiving just-in-time functional support for Nuku.

Canvas guides

For Canvas support, anyone can search the full Canvas Guides.

Support channels for Nuku

Technical issues logging a call

For technical queries and issues, such as error messages, tools not working, incorrect information or users in Nuku etc, please log a call via the staff service centre.

Community support and advice for Nuku

All staff can enrol in the Nuku community support site. This community site provides links to self-help resources, and also discussion boards where questions and queries can be answered by anyone with knowledge from across the University. You can self-enrol into this community support site. Once enrolled the course can be found on your Nuku dashboard.

Nuku queries and advice Inbox

For functional queries regarding Nuku, such as assessment setup, content creation etc, please email Nuku@vuw.ac.nz if the solution cannot be found within self-help resources or via community support.

Nuku self-help and support courses for staff and students

Staff Support course catalogue -  Go to the Staff course catalogue page and find out what courses and resources you can access for yourself. Find a course, enrol in it and it will add it to your Nuku dashboard.

Student Support course catalogue - Go to the Student course catalogue page and find out what courses and resources are available for students to understand how to engage with digital tools for learning. Staff can find a course, enrol in it and it will add it to your Nuku dashboard.