Te hirikapo Māori

Māori learning and teaching

Ako-related resources for teaching Māori students or Māori content.

Sustainable Development Goals posters

Te reo Māori and English posters for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

SDGs in te reo Māori.


Guide to teaching Māori content in University courses

A guide about how to incorporate Māori content and concepts into university courses. Hard copies are available from the Centre of Academic Development.

Tikanga tips for learning and teaching

A guide on socially acceptable behaviour in Māoridom related to teaching and learning, plus the reasons behind the tikanga.

Te reo Māori pronunciation guide

Learn to pronounce Māori words correctly and you will become more confident using them. Find out how to say Māori vowels, consonants, and digraphs here.

Māori dictionary

A comprehensive dictionary that also contains examples of usage and grammatical explanations.

Tōku Reo—Language learning series

Language learning show using online tests and downloadable videos. Full show includes native speakers, role-play, and visual learning aides.

Teaching and learning for success for Māori in tertiary settings

A summary guide prepared by Ako Aotearoa that highlights key success factors for Māori in tertiary education.

Ako Panuku—Learning resources

An organisation designed to enhance the professionalism and expertise of Māori teachers. It has resources for all subject areas and informational videos. The resources were produced for high school teachers but some content is still relevant to tertiary teachers and the website features many learning links to other websites.

Māori wellbeing assessment model

Literacy Aotearoa and Te Wāhanga, NZCER publication containing a kaupapa Māori wellbeing assessment model. The model demonstrates the link between literacy learning and wellbeing for Māori learners.