Tutor training and development
About required training for new tutors and other workshops tutors can do to develop their skills.
The Centre for Academic Development provides training, resources and support to Victoria University of Wellington’s tutors, demonstrators, and sessional assistants.
Tutors can access the Tutor Site on Nuku, where they can explore the training offerings and resources. On the site, tutors can register for their workshops and self-enrol in online training courses.
Tutors and demonstrators are responsible for registering for their own workshops.
Training for new tutors
If you’re new to tutoring at the University, you are required to do three hours of paid introductory training. The Introduction to tutoring includes attending a 90-minute teaching skills workshop and completing five modules on Nuku. And then there are online courses to take you through specific skills and capabilities.
If you’re going to be marking student reports, projects, or essays, you also need to do the two-hour marking and feedback workshop.
All information about the Introduction to Tutoring and Marking and Feedback training is on the Tutor Site.
Development and Support
The learning environment for students is most effective and enjoyable when their tutors are well-supported and trained. The Centre for Academic Development offers a range of tutor training and development opportunities throughout the year. Feel free to contact rana.daoud@vuw.ac.nz if you have any questions.

Dr Rana Daoud
Academic Developer
Centre for Academic Development