Ako in Action
Values-guided co-construction of teaching and learning in a partnership between students and academics.
This programme builds understanding and trust between students and lecturers at Te Herenga Waka through positive, open, and honest staff-student conversations about teaching and learning practice. The programme is underpinned by the core University values of Akoranga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Whai mātauranga and Kaitiakitanga; it promotes the development of student leadership.
Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
With your basket of knowledge and my basket of knowledge, the people will prosper.
About Ako in Action
Ako in Action is an innovative approach for students and lecturers to co-construct aspects of learning and teaching, in order to promote active learning, engagement, and inclusiveness, and encourage reflective learning and teaching practice.
Ako in Action partners discuss and agree on goals on a case-by-case basis. These goals may include bringing fresh perspectives on existing teaching practices and designing, or redesigning, learning and assessment activities and materials.
Key Ako in Action activities are:
- teaching observations
- course, teaching, and learning design consultations.
In the programme, two students are partnered with an academic or a small staff team who are looking for student perspectives on their courses and teaching and want to better understand and enhance student learning experiences. Ako in Action partnerships are usually for one trimester.
The students will not be enrolled in any of the courses taught by their Ako in Action academic partner/s. This is critical to counteract power imbalance and facilitate open and honest kōrero.
Programme audience
Ako in Action is for students and academics who are passionate about learning and keen to work together to create amazing learning experiences that transform lives.
Academic and teaching staff
Please submit your expression of interest to take part in Ako in Action using this form. Applications are sought for Trimester 1 and 2, and partnerships start from Week 4 of the trimester.
If you are currently enrolled in taught courses at Te Herenga Waka and have completed at least one full trimester of study at this University, please submit your expression of interest to take part in Ako in Action.
Applications open about one week before Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 and close in Week 1 of the trimester. Check here for the next application round.
For students
- Develop as leaders in learning and teaching.
- Become more reflective and engaged learners.
- Experience an increased sense of belonging.
- Exercise agency by actively contributing to the construction of the University teaching and learning environment.
For academics
- Ako in Action offers an exciting way to step out of ‘pedagogical solitudes’.
- Meet and interact with students not enrolled in their courses.
- Find out what matters to students, what helps and hinders their learning, and what motivates them to study.
Feedback from former participants
- “Ako in Action creates moments for levity, joy, and impassioned discussion. We are reminded of why we went into tertiary education, either as a student or lecturer.”
- “Ako in Action completely changed my perspective on the hierarchies, I had built up in my head, that students and academics couldn’t relate to each other.”
Programme structure
This 10-week programme runs twice a year, in Trimester 1 and 2, from Week 2 to 11. Both students and academics apply via an online application form, advertised in University News and on Career Hub one week before the start of each trimester.
The programme starts with four training and cohort-building sessions for the students, facilitated by the Centre for Academic Development, followed by weekly catch-up sessions. Ako in Action partnerships start in Week 4 when the student and academic partners meet to get to know each other and set goals. In Week 11, students and academics come together to celebrate their work.
Ako in Action is coordinated by the Centre for Academic Development
For all queries email: cad-contact@vuw.ac.nz