Professional development for teachers
Victoria University of Wellington’s training and development opportunities for academic staff. Some events are open to the wider tertiary education community.
Get training and qualifications
The University offers a variety of professional development opportunities for Academic staff to support teaching enhancement, academic career progression, and capability development.
Resources are available on the Staff Support course catalog in Nuku and all PD or training events and activities are logged on the staff development calendar.
The Te Arawai Ako: Pathway to Learning and Teaching Fellowship is a professional development programme that supports staff to reflect upon and receive recognition for their teaching and learning through the award of an HEA fellowship. The fellowship is granted in recognition of meeting a set of internationally agreed upon professional standards.
Academic orientation and TILT
This two-part orientation programme introduces new academic staff to academic life at the University.
Victoria Early Career Academic Programme (VECAP)
The Victoria Early Career Academic Programme offers professional and career development to early career academics on permanent contracts.
Ako Victoria Symposium
Ako Victoria Symposium is a one-day learning and teaching event open to all staff. It's hosted annually by the University’s Centre for Academic Development.
Te Arawai Ako
Professional development focused on enhancing teaching and learning practice and accrediting Fellows of the Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE).
Teaching awards
Victoria University of Wellington staff are recognised for excellence in learning and teaching through internal and external awards.
Tutor training and development
About required training for new tutors and other workshops tutors can do to develop their skills.
Ako in Action
Values-guided co-construction of teaching and learning in a partnership between students and academics.
Support for our University staff
Academic staff members interested in improving their learning and teaching practice or developing professionally can talk to the team at the University’s Centre for Academic Development (CAD).
They can give practical advice and point teachers towards the right training or resources.
Staff can log in to the staff intranet to find out more about learning and teaching professional development services and opportunities at the University. They include:
- tutor training
- orientation programmes for new academic staff
- teaching portfolios
- academic mentoring scheme
- VicTeach—monthly seminars for sharing learning and teaching best practice.
Orientation to Academic Life
All new academic staff need to attend the Orientation to Academic Life at the University within 12 months of starting at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. This includes experienced staff and those on short-term appointments. All staff new to teaching must also attend The Introduction to Learning and Teaching (TILT).
The Centre for Academic Development runs the Orientation to Academic Life programme twice a year, in February and August as Parts 2 and 3 of the New Staff Orientation Programme. TILT also runs twice a year, in February and August.
You will find out about the University's values, academic career framework, expectations, and students, as well as the support available for your teaching and research. All the workshops are interactive, practical sessions. They are informed by relevant research and run by experienced facilitators.
You are also encouraged to attend the Part 1 New Staff Welcome and Orientation Programme, which is a general welcome to the University for all professional and academic staff.
If you have questions about Orientation to Academic Life or TILT, email
Other requirements for new staff
Orientation to PGR supervision
The Faculty of Graduate Research requires all supervisors who are new to the University (as well as any staff who are new to supervision) to complete an orientation course before starting to supervise research students at Victoria University of Wellington. Visit the FGR website for more details.
The Centre for Academic Development manages professional development for teachers. The team can help you find opportunities that match your career goals. Contact
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