Ngā kura huna

Graduate profile

Our graduate profile describes the attributes students should have when they graduate.

Our students will graduate from a university in which the opportunities for local and global engagement are a dominant feature of the student experience.

Fulfilment of institutional obligations in relation to the Treaty of Waitangi is also a significant goal.

Victoria University of Wellington scholars

Victoria University of Wellington prepares its graduates to be scholars who:

  • have a specialised understanding of their chosen field(s) of study
  • exhibit well-developed skills in critical and creative thinking
  • communicate complex ideas effectively and accurately in a range of contexts
  • demonstrate intellectual autonomy through independence of thought, openness to ideas and information and a capacity to manage their own learning
  • demonstrate intellectual integrity and understand the ethics of scholarship.

These attributes will be reflected in the formal curriculum and tested through academic assessment.

Engaged global citizens

The University also prepares graduates who are active and engaged global citizens who:

  • demonstrate international perspectives
  • can engage constructively with their local and international communities
  • are able to work both independently and collaboratively with others
  • know how to set and achieve personal and professional goals for themselves.

Opportunities to develop these qualities will be available to all students through formal and informal learning opportunities.