Teacher resource
A collection of teacher resources compiled and/or produced by our small team here at Victoria University of Wellington.

I Mua I te Pānui
Before reading, use discussion and activities to motivate and engage the reader.

E Pānui Ana
During reading, use questions to support the reader to analyse concepts for deeper understanding of words.

I Muri I te Pānui
After reading, use activities and discussion to support the reader to reflect and analyse concepts for deeper understanding of ideas.

Te Kōtare Ma Te Pouako
A teacher guide using music to develop listening skills, concentration, coordination, cooperation and memory skills.

Song Chart
A sing-along resource to assist readers using guided reading and listening skills.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Take a look at this e-book outlining the Māori-medium curriculum.

Te Reo Māori | Tau 1
This pukapuka is the first of a three series progressive Te Reo Māori proficiency programme.

Te Reo Māori | Tau 2
This e-book is part two of a three series progressive Te Reo Māori proficiency programme.

Te Reo Māori | Tau 3
This is the final e-book of a three series progressive Te Reo Māori proficiency programme.