Pūtea Te Parahia

Te Parahia: Contestable Fund

This contestable fund has been created to help achieve target sustainability outcomes by harnessing the innovation and expertise of the University community.

Te Parahia: Sustainability Outcomes Framework 2023 – 2030 provides the direction to deliver on our commitment to sustainability.  The framework provides target outcomes across our five functional areas – Learning & Teaching, Research, Engagement, Operations and Governance.

This contestable fund has been established to help achieve our target sustainability outcomes by harnessing the innovation and expertise of the University community in addressing our global and local environmental challenges.

The fund uses revenue from the carbon levy, applied internally to all bookings for air travel, which was established in 2020 as part of the Zero Carbon Plan.

Read the information below, fill in the Application Form, and get it into sustainability@vuw.ac.nz by 1st November, 2024.

Key Dates

cross-section of a New Zealand ironsand particle
Ironsand particle under a microscope

Open for applications:                   30 September 2024

Deadline for applications:             1 November 2024

Funding available from:                 21 January 2025

Funding to be spent by:                19 December 2025

Funding and Criteria

It is anticipated $80,000 will be made available in the 2024 contestable fund round. Project bids are to be between a minimum of $2,000 and a maximum of $50,000 and will be assessed by a review panel against the following criteria:

  • Impact –projects and initiatives that will deliver tangible impact towards better environmental outcomes, increased engagement with sustainability issues and/or growing the capacity of people to take meaningful action on sustainability issues.
  • Maturity – projects and initiatives that build on existing work and relationships and/or have already undertaken significant planning to ensure the appropriate resourcing and approvals are in place to enable effective delivery.
  • Alignment – projects and initiatives that contribute to one or more of the Te Parahia target outcomes and the strategic priorities of the University (connection, collaboration and community).
  • Planning - projects and initiatives that have achievable outcomes, justified budgets, and teams with the necessary skills and capacity.
  • Engagement - projects and initiatives that capture the imagination, involve the wider University community and grow our reputation.
  • Diversity – spreading funding across different parts of the University and different functional activities while also supporting the goals of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Framework, will be a selection consideration.


The Carbon Levy contestable fund is open to all VUW staff (academic and professional staff). All projects must have a Project Leader who will be responsible for the management and reporting. The Project Leader must be accessible for the duration of the project and be either:

  • a permanent member of the University’s staff, or
  • a staff member employed on a contract with terms of more than one year covering the entire period of the initiative funded.

Students and external collaborators are encouraged to be included in the project team, but they cannot be the Project Leader.

Projects can be focused on any of the five functional areas in Te Parahia - Learning & Teaching, Research, Engagement, Operations, or Governance, or cover multiple areas.

Applications must comply with and are assessed according to the criteria.

The fund is not for:

  • initiatives led by the Sustainability team
  • carbon-intensive activities
  • “business as usual” activities
  • literature reviews
  • salaries for ongoing activity
  • IT related overheads, and
  • internal transfers, e.g. overhead costs or contributions to the costs of other parts of the University.

Operation of the Fund

Funding will be allocated to the Project Leader via an internal journal or the establishment of a research grant.  Monies will be spent according to project conditions and specifications.  Oversight will be by the Director, Sustainability.


Project Leaders will be required to report to the Sustainability Team on the progress of their project against the objectives specified in their application mid-way through the project timeline and on completion of the project.