- pdf916.0KBSDG 1: No poverty-Pōhara Kore
- pdf742.8KBSDG 2: Zero hunger—Hemokai Kore
- pdf941.8KBSDG 3: Good health and wellbeing—Mauri Ora
- pdf889.2KBSDG 4: Quality education—Akoranga Pai
- pdf393.6KBSDG 5: Gender equality—Mana Taurite
- pdf832.9KBSDG 6: Clean water and sanitation—Waiwhakaora
- pdf502.5KBSDG 7: Affordable and clean energy—Pūngao Pai
- pdf1.1MBSDG 8: Decent work and economic growth—Whai rawa
- pdf604.9KBSDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure—Hanga pai
- pdf842.1KBSDG 10: Reduced inequalities—Mana ōrite
- pdf490.7KBSDG 11: Sustainable city and communities—Hapori ora
- pdf1.1MBSDG 12: Responsible consumption and production—Mahi tika
- pdf975.8KBSDG 13: Climate action—Hiwa āhuarangi
- pdf905.6KBSDG 14: Life below water—Oranga moana
- pdf754.3KBSDG 15: Life on land—Oranga whenua
- pdf1.1MBSDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions—Hohou rongo
- pdf1.2MBSDG 17: Partnerships for the goals—Mahi tahi
- pdf432.6KBSDG posters grid.pdf