- Te Kahupapa / Study in Wellington
- Te ao wānangaUniversity life
- Noho ki Te Whanganui-a-TaraLiving in Wellington
- Wāhi nohoAccommodation
- Ngā ratonga hāpai ākongaStudent services and support
- Tō tātou haporiOur communities
- Te Ratonga Rapu MahiCareers and employment
- Ngā papa akorangaOur campuses
- Hei āwhina i ngā mātua me ngā whānauInformation for parents and whānau
- Kōrero ki ā mātou tauiraChat with our students
- Ngā hōtaka me ngā akorangaProgrammes and courses
- Tohu paetahiUndergraduate degrees
- How our degrees work
- Flexibility in our undergraduate degrees
- Minors in the Bachelor of Arts
- Minors in the Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Minors in the Bachelor of Building Science
- Minors in the Bachelor of Commerce
- Minors in the Bachelor of Communication
- Minors in the Bachelor of Design Innovation
- Minors in the Bachelor of Environment and Society
- Minors in the Bachelor of Global Studies
- Minors in the Bachelor of Health
- Minors in the Bachelor of Music
- Minors in the Bachelor of Popular Music
- Minors in the Bachelor of Psychology
- Minors in the Bachelor of Science
- Tohu paeruaPostgraduate study
- Ārohi tāhu kaupapa akoExplore subjects
- Ārohi tāhu paeruaExplore postgraduate subjects
- Ako hei te Peka Tuarua o te tauStudy in Trimester 2
- Ako hei te Peka Tuatoru o te tauStudy in Trimester 3
- Mātai kaupapa akoCourse finder
- Urunga whāitiLimited entry
- Ngā hōtaka me ngā akoranga ōpakiShort courses and non-degree programmes
- VicStart
- Tohu paetahiUndergraduate degrees
- Whakarite i āu mahi akoPlanning your studies
- Taupua kaupapa ako mō ngā ākonga houCourse advice for new students
- Kōwhiri i tō tohu me ngā kaupapa akoChoosing your degree and courses
- Tūtaki ki ngā KaitawakaMeet our Future Student advisers
- Whakarite mahere ako ā-kuraPlanning school subjects
- Ngā tānga pukapukaLatest publications
- Tono tātai papa akorangaBook a campus tour
- Tono whakauruApply and enrol
- Ngā tikanga tonoHow to apply and enrol
- WhakauruAdmissions
- University Entrance
- Cambridge Assessment International Examinations
- International Baccalaureate
- Qualification assessment at entrance level
- Qualification assessment above entrance level
- University entrance qualification
- Discretionary Entrance
- Provisional Admission
- Special Admission
- Preparing for degree-level study
- Pepa tono me te āheingaAdmission Application and Offer of Place
- Tuku pepa ōkawaSubmit your documentation
- Hōtaka whaka me ōna tikangaCourse enrolment and enrolment agreement
- Te Whakawhiti ki Te Herenga WakaTransfer tertiary courses
- Ngā rā mahurangiKey dates
- Kāri tuakiriStudent ID cards
- Kāore i whakaaetia tō tono whakauruDeclined admission
- Ngā tohutohu whakauru me ngā kupu āwhinaEnrolment help and advice
- Utu i ngā mahi akoFinancing your study
- Ngā kaupapaEvents, visits, and Open Day
- Ngā pō whakamahuki—tohu paetahiInformation evenings
- Ngā pō whakamahuki—tohu paeruaPostgraduate information evenings
- Ngā whakamahuki kahupapaInternational information webinars
- Rā WhakatuweraOpen Day
- Tono tātai papa akorangaBook a campus tour
- Whakatau i ngā rā o ngā hararei ā-kuraSchool holiday events
- Whakatau i ngā ākonga houNew Students’ Orientation
Questions about applications and enrolment
If you want to speak to someone about your application, course enrolment, fees or scholarships, send an email to info@vuw.ac.nz or international@vuw.ac.nz.