Medical and forensic support
If you have been sexually assaulted, it is important that you access specialist medical care.
Doctors who are specially trained to work in this area will ensure you don’t have any injuries, talk to you about preventing and screening for pregnancy and STIs, and provide a forensic medical examination if you are thinking of involving the Police.
In the situation of a recent sexual assault (within seven days or less) prompt medical care is essential for your health and safety. Medical attention is important for detecting and treating a range of medical concerns, including sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and both apparent and internal injuries.
You may want to consider whether you want medical and forensic care to collect evidence for the Police if you decide you want to report the matter.
This is your decision and you can receive support and information about the process, and have a trained specialist support you through this process. You can receive information about this without having to decide whether you want to proceed.
Wellington Sexual Abuse HELP
Wellington Sexual Abuse HELP operates a 24-hour crisis support line and has on-site support workers.
If you find yourself needing to talk to someone, they’re there to listen and help.
HELP can talk to you about the process of forensic examination and support you throughout the process.
You can call them on (04) 801 6655 and push '0' at the menu.
Wāhi Mārie—Sexual Assault Assessment Services
Wāhi Mārie—Sexual Assault Assessment Services is a specialised clinic staffed by doctors and nurses trained in sexual assault medicine.
They offer a safe environment and sensitive medical and forensic care for people aged 14 and over who have experience sexual assault or abuse.
You can access their team any time for medical care and support, including prevention of pregnancy, STI, and injury treatment. They can also collect forensic evidence for the Police if you decide this is how you want to proceed.
You can call 0800 723 377, email, or visit for more information.
Student Health (Mauri Ora)
On the Kelburn and Pipitea campuses, Student Health (Mauri Ora) provides non-urgent health care for students who are victims of sexual harm.
If you would like to see a doctor at Student Health who has specialist training in sexual assault, please ask to talk to the triage nurse and they will arrange a non-urgent appointment for you.
If you need urgent medical care after a sexual assault, please contact Wāhi Mārie.
In the case of a non-acute (within the last seven days) sexual assault, or to get advice, Student Health (Mauri Ora) has GPs trained in sexual assault care, and can ensure your health and safety, and provide follow up care as needed.
You can call (04) 463 5308 to make an appointment.