Legal support

There are options for seeking advice both on and off campus if you have experienced sexually harmful behaviour.

Off campus

External free legal services

Community Law—Wellington and Hutt Valley offers free legal advice and information on a wide range of issues. You don’t need to make a booking, just turn up to a drop-in session. They offer both general legal advice and specialist services.

You can find more information about them on their website, by emailing, or by calling 04 499 2928.

On campus

Student Advocate

The Student Advocate is 100 percent independent from the University and can help you understand your options, rights and responsibilities, and help raise an issue or make a complaint.

You can contact the Student Advocate by email, by calling 04 463 6984, by texting 022 563 69844, or by visiting VUWSA Reception, Level 4, Student Union Building, Kelburn Campus.

Student Interest and Conflict Resolution

The Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team is available to talk to students about their options for medical, academic and counselling support, reporting to Police and informal and formal reporting through the university during business hours.

You can find more information about your options for reporting online, or by emailing or by calling 04 463 5023.