Sexually harmful behaviour

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington is committed to supporting a learning environment that is free from sexually harmful behaviour.

Sexually harmful behaviour includes:

  • sexual harassment
  • sexual assault
  • any form of unwanted sexual advance
  • request for sexual favours
  • any other unwanted behaviour that is sexual in nature.

It can be verbal, visual, or physical, and could involve electronic forms of communication.

At the University all sexually harmful behaviour is managed through the Sexual Harassment Response Policy pdf227KB and Procedure pdf210KB.

You are entitled to study, socialise, and work in an environment of safety and respect. We take reports of concerning behaviour seriously.

Sexually harmful behaviour—including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and bullying of any kind—undermines safety and respect, and may be a breach of the University’s Student Conduct Statute pdf459KB or Staff Conduct Policy pdf234KB.

If you are feeling unsafe or have experienced behaviour at University or within the halls that concerns you, the Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team are here to support you. You can contact us for confidential information and advice about options, reporting, and support.

If you want to speak to someone who is independent from the University, you can contact the VUWSA Student Advocates.

If you are an international student please be aware that:

  • Making a report of concerning behaviour will not impact your visa.
  • Any information you provide will not be passed on to your family or other universities unless you request that this information is shared.
  • We can provide a translator at your request.